Map of QL1 Near Duc Pho

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This is a portion of Map Sheet 6738-1 showing Highway QL1 in the vicinity of Duc Pho/LZ Bronco. Note: if anyone has information to add to the descriptions of locations on these maps, please email me with your information and I will include it and list you and your unit as the contributor.

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Creation Date: Thursday, March 4, 1999
Last Modified: Thursday, March 4, 1999
Copyright Ray Smith, 1999

Highway QL1

This is the
"Highway QL1" referred to in Bernard Fall's book. It is the main north-south highway which runs from Saigon in the south, all the way to Hanoi in the north. This was a vital overland supply route, although if cut, supplies could be sent north on US Navy ships in the South China Sea.

A railroad ran beside Highway One for most of its length, built by the French during their colonial period. It featured many elegant bridges, most of which had been blown up long ago by the Viet Minh and Viet Cong.
We pulled strongpoint duty along the road, and guarded bridges at night. We had a small base at Bong Son on Highway One. There were two bridges here. One carried vehicle traffic, and one carried the railroad. The latter bridge was converted by US Army Combat Engineers to carry truck traffic, since trains no longer ran on the railroad. The vehicle bridge was narrow and weakened by VC explosives, so the Combat Engineers erected a pontoon bridge beside it to carry tank traffic and heavy truck convoys. Thes bridges were prime targets for the NVA/VC, and we spent many sleepless nights guarding them.

We had a major base camp at LZ Uplift, directly on Highway One, although we rarely saw it. back to map

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LZ Bronco/Duc Pho French Railroad Highway QL-1 Rice Bowl