Located at BR 891-430 in Binh Dinh province. Here is an aerial view of Phu Cat Airbase runway one-five looking southeast. (photo courtesy John Stymerski 483rd CAMS). One of seven major jet-capable air bases in Vietnam (the others being Cam Ranh Bay, Da Nang, Long Binh, Phan Rang, Ton Son Nhut, and Tuy Hoa). 10,000 foot concrete runway at 101 feet above sea level. Phu Cat Air Base
The United States Air Force operated this facility. Based here were F-100 Supersabre and F-4 aircraft of the Tactical Air Command (TAC). They provided the close air support for units in the II Corps area. They also provided LZ Uplift with water. For some bizarre reason we had to dispatch a deuce and a half towing a water trailer (water buffalo) to Phu Cat each morning to get water.
In August of 1968 our entire company of 17 tanks was sent to Phu Cat Airbase to augment the perimeter defense since intelligence reports, based on information from ralliers (Choi Han) indicated that the NVA were planning an attack on the airbase. When we arrived, the Air Police at the main gate refused to allow us to enter complaining that our tracks would tear up the asphalt roadways within the base perimeter. Our commanding officer at the time, Captain J.B. Holman, went to talk to the Air Policeman after telling us to drive through the gate. We did and once inside discovered more lack of coordination. The Air Force people would not allow us into their PX, claiming they did not have enough merchandise for their own people. Then they refused us entry into the enlisted men's club and the NCO Club, complaining that our boots were muddy. We did not have much good luck at Phu Cat. We could certainly understand why the NVA wanted to attack the facility. We did too.