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Fil Hol Plantation

A large French owned rubber plantation. Early MACV rules of engagement prohibited damaging the rubber trees, in order to minimize disruption of the local civilian economy, so of course the VC decided that it would make an excellent base area. When the rules of engagement changed however, it became a free-fire zone. The plantation was known to have extensive tunnel and trench networks.

The terrain was generally flat with relatively sparse open areas. The area primarily consists of rubber trees and dense woods. This heavy growth caused tracked vehicle and foot movement to be relatively slow and tedious.

Elements of the 7th Bn, 165A Regt were based in the Filhol Plantation.

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Creation Date: Monday, November 10, 1997
Last Modified: Sunday, July 18, 1999
Copyright © Ray Smith, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999