Airfield with 3,300 foot asphalt-treated crushed rock runway, 2,264 feet above seal level. Suitable for C-7 Carabou, C-123 Provider, and possibly C-130 Hercules aircraft. Located at YU 906-752 in Quang Duc province. Here is a view of the runway from ground level (Photo courtesy ©Peter A. Bird). This photo captures the vegitation beside the runway along with two fuel blivets just delivered. Duc Lap
Located nearby (YU 913-751) was the Duc Lap Special Forces CIDG camp in October 1966 (5th SF Detachment 38, A-239). The camp was one of seven camps designed to monitor and interdict NVA infiltration from Cambodia and Laos. The seven SF/CIDG surveillance camps from north to south were Ben het, Plei Djereng, Duc Co, Tieu Atar, Ban Don, Duc Lap, and Bu Prang. Of all of them Bu Prang was the best constructed, with all of its facilities in underground bunkers.